/* * tweetable 1.6 - jQuery twitter feed generator plugin * * Copyright (c) 2009 Philip Beel (http://www.theodin.co.uk/) * Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) * and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses. * * With modifications from Philipp Robbel (http://www.robbel.com/) and Patrick DW (stackoverflow) * for IE compatibility. * * Revision: $Id: jquery.tweetable.js 2011-01-06 $ * */ (function ($) { //define the tweetable plugin $.fn.tweetable = function (options) { //specify the plugins defauls var defaults = { limit: 5, //number of tweets to show username: 'philipbeel', //@username tweets to display time: false, //display date replies: false, //filter out @replys position: 'append', //append position listClass: 'tweets-widget', //append position loaded: function() {} }; //overwrite the defaults var options = $.extend(defaults, options); //loop through each instance return this.each(function (options) { //assign our initial vars var act = $(this); var $tweetList; var tweetMonth = ''; var shortMonths = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]; var api = "http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name="; var count = "&count="; //do a JSON request to twitters API $.getJSON(api + defaults.username + count + defaults.limit + "&callback=?", act, function (data) { //loop through twitters response $.each(data, function (i, item) { //check for the first loop if (i == 0) { //create an unordered list to store tweets in $tweetList = $('
')[defaults.position.toLowerCase() + 'To'](act); } //handle @reply filtering if required if (defaults.replies === false) { if (item.in_reply_to_status_id === null) { $tweetList.append('
  • '); } } else { $tweetList.append('
  • '); } //display the tiem of tweet if required if (defaults.time == true) { for(var iterate=0; iterate<=12; iterate++) { if(shortMonths[iterate] == item.created_at.substr(4, 3)) { tweetMonth = iterate + 1; if(tweetMonth < 10) { tweetMonth = '0' + tweetMonth; } } } $('.tweet_link_' + i).append('

    @' + item.created_at.substr(8, 2) + '/' + tweetMonth + '/' + item.created_at.substr(26,4) + ' ' + item.created_at.substr(11,8) + '

    '); } }); defaults.loaded(); //close the unordered list }); }); } })(jQuery);